Friday, August 29, 2014

How To Have An Acne Miracle In 5 steps

In A Course In Miracles it says:

"Without a cause there can be no effects, and yet without effects there is no cause. Effects do not create their cause, but they establish its causation. Thus, the Son gives Fatherhood to his Creator, and receives the gift that he has given Him. It is because he is God's Son that he must also be a father, who creates as God created him. The circle of creation has no end. Its starting and its ending are the same. But in itself it holds the universe of all creation, without beginning and without an end."

Ok hold on let me explain this for the spiritual-disinclined before you get scared off! Most of us with acne are anti-god, like I have stated before.( Why would there be a god? Look at me!")

What this ACIM quote is saying is that you have power to create  because God created you, so you are God like and cannot be separated. Because he created universe, the universe is in him. And you created your universe, so it is in you.  Nothing can be separate from you. "Every effect has a cause and without a cause there can be no effect."So no cause for acne = no acne. No thought of acne =no cause of acne. Got it? How can a problem exist if its only THOUGHT of as a problem with your consent.  Lets' say you were handed a math problem on a piece of paper such as 1-1=?. Supposed you couldn't figure out of the answer and became obsessed with it you; now you would be able to say you have a problem. If you crumpled up that piece of paper and threw it in the trash because you gave up finding the answer, you would no longer have a problem to solve. Some might say "well now you do not know the answer to the problem." Not so, if 1-1=0 then a math problem minus a math problem=no math problem to figure out! Such is the miracle of healing. Since a problem is only a thought such is math, an idea, a concept, then it can't really exist. The math problem is not the piece of paper it self, but the idea on the paper. " The idea". An idea only is what it comes from. A thought. No one said you had to think it...except you. And that is another idea.  So no problem to figure out - no conflict. No conflict =peace.

Because there are books that say these things, means they were obviously written for a reason.  Test it. Find out you don't know what you don't know.  It might be crazy to think but its so amazing its actually crazier than we can think! Don't wait until your death bed to wonder if you were all wrong about your whole life situation(s).  YOU are not here to learn that acne nor anything else is not connected to you. It IS this version of you you are experiencing. You and your reality you are experiencing is a sum of your beliefs. Thoughts. We can change those anytime. And the best way is to see old ones differently. This is not will power mind over matter bullshit. Matter is a thought so there really is no such thing.

This is why acne is at your disposal. It is something you've been creating. Now its time to learn how to uncreate it. Any WHY would you not want to accept this? Do you want to keep thinking acne is the boogie man? LOL. Do you want to keep spending your hard earned money on some quack's garbage while he sleeps sound at night and your dreading another morning? At what point is it enough? Whats enough pain?When you or your child wants to end their life? When You or child shoots up the place?

 I dare you to step out of your comfort zone and your beliefs. Its your beliefs that got you here in the first place. If what you "believed" to be true works for you then why are you here?  You believe your ugly. Where has that gotten you? You believe acne makes you ugly. You believe you can't leave your house some days. You believe people care about your acne so YOU have to care about it now. LOL. Really? We can't get people to care who's president... Why would they care about your skin?? ( God I love that one!) So if these are your beliefs why continue with them if this is the success its brought you? Your doctor doesn't offer you peace. He offers you a bill.

Fantastic! Lets get started.
First of all. You can't heal acne. What? Can't heal it? Whats all this talk been about then? Sure it will go away but not when you want it to the way you have gone about it.

Its actually not your job. Washing it and monitoring it like you've been; Analyzing it every day is actually you trying to heal it. So in that sense. It does not heal. YOU have chose to get in the way. It's kind of like when you stare at the clock wanting it to move faster because your anxious to leave somewhere. it's taking forever because your staring at it and your mind focused solely on the second hand. 

 Healing is a natural phenomenon. When you cut your finger it goes away. You don't have to think about it. With acne, it doesn't go away because of the emotional attachments we have laid upon it. Once we get out of the way it will heal on its own. 

We were made with everything  we'd ever need.
Your acne has always been healed you just never let it go. You have an issue with acne, anger, resentment, fear etc. you cannot have peace yet have these emotions at the same time. You cannot love some thing and hate it at the same time and have a peaceful relationship. So in other words, you basically have to be the bigger man and walk away. This is not a fight but has only been because you made it that. And one you will definitely lose always.
And only losers fight out of anger. If acne was a person, you'd be on jerry're that out of your mind.

So a few steps to get there:

1. Surrender. 
" i don't care if it stays or goes. I'm not doing this anymore. It is out of my hands"

2. Make a List
Make a list of what you'd do if you didn't have acne. All of Things you put off. Things you think clear skin will bring you. Start doing them now. You are not waiting for a green light to allow yourself to have these things.

3. Detach from the outcome. 
Stop looking for results. Stop looking for answers. Give up. More importantly stop wanting. The universe will take it as you already have something when you stop wanting. When you feel the need, you blow the whole thing. ALWAYS. We tend to think if we stop focusing on something we don't want it. Well thats a bunch a garbage. Your heart always knows even when your not looking. When you find money randomly, are you looking for it? NO. But you know you want money always! Remember You are already healed. The immune system is proof of this. When you cut your finger you don't have to think about it going away, it just does. If you still object, ask yourself: "Why doesn't my immune system just take care of this? Show me what I need to know."

4. Be willing to see differently
You know you are healed when you are WILLING to see the problem differently FIRST. 
It is not real. Just a result of poor judgement. When I healed from it, I could see how I kept bring it on by my idea of disposition I thought it put me in. Then I realized no one cared about it but me and I only saw it because I thought people cared.
Be willing to be wrong about what you thought acne is. Ask to be shown a different way to see acne? What you think it is , is a lie. Because of how fast it disappeared for me, in the way that it did the idea that it was a lie was confirmed. The more you try to be right no matter how realistic your perception of acne is, the more you will experience acne and delay healing.

5. Make Peace With Yourself First
You must make peace before you can heal anything. It doesn't matter what has happened, it is up to you to top fighting . You no longer need acne to go away to have peace. Think about the Middle East . Don't you think it would end if someone surrendered first?

Monday, August 25, 2014

Healing Acne Through The Mind: How could a facial cleanser heal theacne demon?

" Hi. Im the acne god. I just want to say I appreciate your dedication by cleaning me with all these marvelous soaps that give me life,  playing games like tag your it,  and whack-a-mole. I love this!" 

In A Course in Miracles it says :

"To believe a Son of God ( uh oh I said God better run!) is sick is to worship the same idol he does. God created love, not idolatry. All forms of idolatry are caricatures of creation, taught by sick minds too divided to know that creation shares power and never usurps it. Sickness is idolatry, because it is the belief that power can be taken from you. Yet this is impossible, because you are part of God, Who is all power. A sick god must be an idol, made in the image of what its maker thinks he is. And that is exactly what the ego does perceive in a Son of God; a sick god, self-created, self-sufficient, very vicious and very vulnerable. Is this the idol you would worship? Is this the image you would be vigilant to save? "

When I had acne I had to read up on powerful books like this because acne was my God back then and not to mention I had be talked down from a bridge once a week. Acne almost seems proof that the church idea of God doesn't all together. I know I had my doubts." Why would I believe in God? Look at me!" I would say. I know so cliche. I guess I wanted to believe in something so I could have someone to blame because the specialists sure were idiots. If it were up to them I still be dealing with acne 10 years later.
 Acne was like I was dealing with a demon or Freddy Krueger or something LOL. Except I didn't live on Elm St I lived on Shea Blvd. Either way it was haunting. Everyday another zit was an extra weight on my shoulders. How are you supposed to deal with the new ones when your dealing with ones from previous week or what have you?  Then you feel the need to come up with some kind of strategy about getting through your day to avoid people or situations:
Don't go to 2 second period because Lindsey Baker sits next to you who is really hot and um ya...Don't go to walgreens for neutragena so and so works there and will most likely have to ring you up and the lighting is really bad so they might see you and it will be embarrassing."

 That was sometimes the nightmare itself. Feeling like you have been found out or that you really are what you think you are. You know when the situation seemed to be your worst fears coming true. It was days like this I would have rather just dealt with Freddy Krueger. Maybe he could help pop some of these things with his claws haha. 

Anyway it was this crap that I had to deal with that made me realize that a cleanser isn't going to help me. How could it? There were times I would clear up for a day but I thought I still had a face full because the fear was so deep ingrained. 
I mean already had heard about the accutane nightmares, what would have happened to me if got on that at such a low in my life?   I was starting to become conscious of really bad habits that I knew just were not the "normal me". I guess I was fortunate enough to have a part of me knowing after a while that this was all happening for a reason. 

That reason being I needed to be aware that acne was there because I was so resentful towards acne, towards myself and that there was very little I liked about me. It was starting to snowball and consume me. It wasn't the "right regimen" that kept me from healing because the body follows the mind.  It was the BELIEF of what acne really was that I couldn't over come; the ideas of what I thought acne "did to me" that had to be broken down.  Any regimen could work if you believed it would. You can rub poop on your face and have the same results; I should know... I tried it Lol jk. The issue is why would you want to rely on someone or something outside of you to fix your problems. Thats like saying I'll be happy when someone says I can be happy. I don't know about anyone else but 10 years was enough for me to put happiness off. 

My name is Robert,  and I battled acne for 10 years.  After reading many books on healing and metaphysics, I eventually gave up because I could not find the answers I needed the way I needed to see it. I finally said to myself " I don't care if this stays or goes; I'm done trying to fix this damn acne. Its not my job."  One day in the midst of this surrendering, someone made an unbiased comment and I finally could see how I was creating acne. It was like staring at one of those 3d pictures at the mall except it took 10 years. When I could see what I was doing the resistance, the dread, and doomed feeling from acne was gone right then and gone from my face in a few days. I finally understood what all the books were saying about forgiveness and how are thoughts create. Like I said before the body follows when there is peace in the mind. (This why a paper cut heals faster than your acne.)
Theres another way to see everything and its a choice. Acne is once piece of the puzzle to your whole being and when you have it its like choosing to believe that you are just that one piece instead of something bigger.  If you have an hour, want to feel different, see something bigger, and want to be done with acne and all the things associated with it please contact me. 

" You are what you insist..."

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Why acne doesn't heal and what your doctor CAN'T tell you about it.

I've read many articles recently and I have to agree with very few because they still have very little emphasis on how and why acne is there and how to actually "heal it".
 If I only had these articles on line to resolve the acne situation I had, Id still be dealing with 10 years later.
Acne doesn't really exist. It can be gone from ones mind in an instant and gone from skin in a few days.  It cannot be re-created by medical researchers therefore there can't be a guaranteed way to rid it from ones life physically. What they think can create it, is inconsistent in theory after theory. In studies one cause will work in one person but not the other; just like the remedies. Any ailment could be  figured out if medical researchers could think inside the box for a moment (literally) instead of outside the box for once. There is one thing that every person with acne has in common with the other person ; how they feel about themselves. The mindset and beliefs of the sufferer is completely over looked. Compare a person with acne to a person that doesn't have acne ,with the right questions, and you will have your answer.

What 's the differences between the two?
Emotions, emotions, emotions. Thoughts, thoughts, thoughts. 

What kind of emotions? Stress?

If stress was the root of acne then everyone in new york city would have it and it would be totally acceptable and a non-issue. Acne is more deep rooted than we realize. Deeper than the skin, but more shallow than the heart. The root cause  is always on the mind, we just don't know it. In fact its the in the mind.

Why acne? Why me?

Why acne? Its simple. Yet it says several things: " I don't like myself", " I don't love myself", "I don't like my life", " I am not allowed to do the things I want" and many other more specific things depending on the sufferer.  Some specific acnes such as whiteheads and boils have to do with anger under the skin and and outburst of anger. While blackheads can be a reflection of the idea of ugliness.

Acne is the gift that says “It's time to learn about who you are right now and create you who you want to be.” Its a hurdle of self-acceptance you must get over just to have ANY peace in your life. If you think you can't do this and this is not for you, it is unfortunate that you will eventually find years later  that you will have no choice but to eventually let go of your resentments. The only thing you can do is delay your own peace, but peace is inevitable if you want to evolve.

You have acne because you do not like who you have been, who you have become and who are being. You might think you're ugly, worthless, and/or unfixable because a little voice of reason told you so . Eventually that voice will stop when you decide not listen anymore. You know the voice that says things like " Well you better stay in tonight or everyones going to be pointing. Its for the best." etc. That is ego that is trying to protect you through logic and fear . (FEAR=false evidence appearing as real.) It does not have your best interest in mind and has the advice of an sick person. Nothing you will ever want for yourself will come from that perspective. 

Moving on, the face is the ultimate representation of who “you” are is. The “stress” , that studies hit a dead end wall with, is the stress that is emphasized right on your face. It is foolish to think a diet is a cause to how you feel about yourself, how you look, why you hate your home life, why your parents may or may not be terrible etc. It is foolish to think how clean your face is determines what is going on with your skin. My skin was cleaner than a surgeon's table when I had acne, that didn't help the situation at all. There are people that couldn't eat any healthier and still have acne. Hell when I became a vegetarian in high school thats when my problem started to peak.

So why Acne? Acne is the only thing that gets your attention. You don't know how to see it or how to see yourself. So when the thought of it comes up, its a big obstacle that you can't get around; a bully you don't know how to make peace with. You have this idea that you are supposed to fight it because thats all we are taught about being uneased by something. But little do we know, acne is there because of the fight. It is also an extension of your mind, an inner demon if you will, that is a part of you. It is not separate from you and tormenting you at random. There was already a resistance in you going on before it ever sprouted. Acne is like the middle east on your face, it keeps going on and on because you refuse to make peace. But like any war, it all ends with surrendering.

Why Studies fail.

Medical experts are not experts in physics nor do they seem to converse in the breakroom. They don't take in atoms and molecules into consideration, so in result, they dont understand the relationship towards the mind and body.
Why? Because they are so small they can't be seen or measured. So small and complicated that we can't see how they come into play with the body. All we can do for now is trust our EXPERIENCE and the wisdom that has come over the ages. Its there for a reason. USE IT. You can always go back to what you were doing. Why listen to people that cannot create what you would want for yourself? How is one supposed to get a solution from someone thats never solved the problem? If you wanted to be a professional golfer wouldn't you want to learn from Tiger Woods if you could or would you just take the advice of some local idiot who says you'll only be as good as he can teach you?

Like all creation, acne the same. It starts from nothing and goes back to nothing. Never really existing at all but in ideas.
Studies try to pass off the symptoms and mechanics of acne as the cause. Researchers stop when it comes to the hormones and bacteria acting up because they have run out of external sources and fingers for pointing. Some studies say there are links to “some stress” that triggers acne. Stress over what taking an math exam? How about the acne itself being the stress and the emotions it brings? How about the underlaying emotions one may have directed towards oneself? That could be a stress that puts enough negative emphasis and energy to towards ones face. And if one couldn't be mistaken, its safe to assume that someone with severe acne could be reflecting on the outside what they are feeling on the inside.

The Healing Process: Why We Don't Heal

The body cannot heal until there is peace in the mind TOWARD what it is conflict with and what the root of the problem is.
There simply cannot be a coexistence of peace and conflict with a result of a peaceful outcome. 

The body has an immune system that is working 24/7 fighting off things you dont even know you have. The body is most advanced thing ever designed and we are sniffing glue if we think man has anything to do with the details of its creation. Acne is sure as hell more than enough proof to see that claim. God and the universe is crazy to think about, yet crazier than we can think. 

When you cut your finger, the finger is healed before you even know your cut.
There is nothing you do or your doctor sure as hell does for the cut to heal. The difference between a cut, and acne are the attachment you have towards the acne . When you cut your finger it goes away on its own. You do no have to do anything to make that happen. Well is the same with acne, thats why people that don't have acne, don't have acne. There is no attachment to acne because they have either 1) never thought about it for more than 17 seconds(the time it takes for a thought to start to manifest) or 2) found a way to see it  and accept it which eliminates the need to fear it. In addition,  as well as having a solid knowing and loving for who they are and who they want to be.

Attachment To Acne
The attachments are the issues you have towards acne, and the issues are your judgments and perception of yourself in result of having acne. Since you cannot see most peoples issues with your own eyes, if you were to be an onlooker for a moment, it is obvious any issues they might have are in their mind. If a problem is in the mind, it simply is not real. For how could it be real? Since you insist to the world that your problem with acne is real, you come to know the reality of acne because that is all you have come to know; therefore, your problem with acne might as well be real. Since you have not come to learn yet who and what you are, it is easier to agree with your ego that tells you, “ you are ugly” or "you have acne no one will accept you" for the sake of wanting to protect you from not knowing who you are.

By insisting acne makes you ugly, you passionately hold negative judgement. Therefore, acne is all you think; therefore, acne is all you receive over and over. We attract what we believe; therefore, we are what we believe. It is a choice!  However, the cut on the finger  will heal because you are knowing its origin and knowing it will go away. You have no doubt it will go away; therefore, no need to worry about it going away. You clean it once or twice, move on with your life, and its healed before you know it. 

People WITH clear skin treat acne the same way as the cut; however, you do not. 

The Formula
I don't know about you, but i'm pretty sure that Michael Jordan passionately thinks about basketball, Tiger Woods passionately thinks about golf, and Joe Montana passionately thinks about football, and Obama passionately thinks about wrecking a country etc. Michael Jordan is not passionate about bowling; therefore, he's not a bowler and so on and so forth. If they were not passionate about those thigns they would never be who they are today. So and idea + passion= a reality. Or as the universal principle the law of attraction states: Thoughts+emotion = things.
So how does this universal law relate to acne?

Thought of acne + Acne makes me ugly=acne on your face
Lets look in mirror for acne + I can't stand acne; I hope I dont find it= acne on your face
Thought of acne + Hopefully its gone =acne on your face

So if you take the passion away from an idea there is no reality of it anymore. It can only be dead.
The thoughts are seeds and the judgments and actions are the water and sunlight that make it grow.

Idea-passion=no existence. Or thought-emotion=no thing/no thought.
Thought of acne- judgment= no acne
Well that sounds real simple but you may wonder how is one supposed to just stop thinking all these negative judgments about acne and about all the problems it has caused?

We can get rid of negative thoughts by implementing new thoughts. To rid the mind of negative judgment from acne we have to see acne differenty have to make peace with acne by changing our beliefs about it and about ourself:

Thought of acne+ acne is ok to be present=peace with acne
Thought of acne +peace with acne=no acne