I had to just about vomit the other day when I decided to google the cause of acne. What I found were several websites including wikipedia that listed links to acne as "the cause of acne". Then I saw this....
Hey at least someones honest! If there is no known cause, then what hell are we buying then? Wheres our money going?
Now if we could just get the president to admit the same thing!
I mean guess its a political deal because people would be out of business if the world knew things like I'm going to tell you.
Well I don't know about you but 20 years ago I knew those characteristics listed above were in no way, shape , or form a cause for acne. And in 20 years the information still hash't changed so I don't know what jack ass performs studies like they have in the last few years in order to figure out something we already knew. I mean what year is this??? Doesn't anyone see how the world has evolved in technology? That means our minds and perception should be changing too other than for the worst. We are becoming robots. I mean we have to transmit our emotions through text messages with emoticons when the person is just on the other side of the table. Thats sad!
Anyway, back to why you came here so I could explain what the "experts" should be able to explain.
What I noticed is the studies for acne causes stop at hormones and stress. Well they don't bother to break down the "type" of stress. Now people with acne suffer in a way that people without acne will ever understand. What I mean by suffering is the disassociation with ones own true identity, and the misperceived identity they have created due to their own false evidence. So an "expert " or "experimenter" cannot get in the mind of someone who suffers because 1.) He never thought to look there and 2.) He's never been there. Got it? Moving on!
Hormones produce whatever they produce sebum? So why do the hormones act up then? Stress? Ummm....lets be more specific. Emotions? Getting warmer! What kind of emotions could possibly trigger acne?? Gee lets see! "What do you have for us Bob?! " Well looking back at some of the school shootings- ALL of the school shootings, just from the few snip its of footage I've seen its obvious they were all seemed anti-social, so they must have felt alienated. Maybe some were even abandoned at some point.
"Why did you bring up school shootings Bob?"
Well these effects such as the anti-socialistic tendencies all stem from a feeling of self-dislike or self-hatred, passionate anger especially towards oneself with a tendency to lash out (with the effect of boils) or false ideas of alienation. Most will also be found with the belief they are ugly, of little self-worth, and social status. These are all emotions when held, are an attack on oneself especially when experienced consistently. So self-dislike, self-hatred, anger, belief in ugliness, lack of self worth are all pre-existing emotions that are seeds for acne.
And since they are emotions that have energies directed towards one self, the face represents the self, and the skin represents safety and comfort ( like the saying "comfortable in ones own skin")the skin on the face is getting the most emphasis or stress if you will. So the emphasis on the face would be extra stress in facial region. Its like if someone who does a lot of work with their hands gets a finger tip crack on a consistent basis from overuse and abuse. There is always emphasis on their hands so its more than likely they will experience fingertip cracks. Or someone who has a laborious job, there's extra emphasis on their back. With acne, the same thing is occurring, your putting extra labor in that area with your judgments of yourself, your anger, and your ideas of what you need to live up to. Your doing the labor mentally and emotionally.
In the few recent interviews I have conducted , these qualities and emotions are ALL relevant to how the person was feeling and or has felt especially BEFORE the acne started. Once acne starts its seems as though the feelings came after. In Louise Hay's Heal Your Body: Mental Causes for Physical Illness, it states the mental cause for acne is self-dislike, not accepting the self, belief in ugliness, blood boiling over for boils, and angry outbursts. One will not find many people that suffer from acne that are totally secure with themselves, secure with their identity, and secure with their life that are not high or on anti-depressants. Now a lot of criminals have acne because self dislike is very big in criminal background from feeling large amounts of guilt.
I know when my acne was healed way after the fact, I didn't realize how much I didn't like my life BEFORE the break outs. Before I had the healing I had started to enjoy my life and had definitely liked myself significantly more than I did 6-7 years prior. So I was able to find peace and accept myself in ANY condition in order for it to go away. And acne goes away once you take it off the pedestal; not vice versa.
So a doctor or medical expert never really will get that picture unless they actually start to experiment metaphysically (mind-body) connection and or suffered themselves. And the only way someone could know what is held in the mind to cause such an ailment is to actually experiment with it themselves. The complicated part is once a person learns how they created it, they most likely are never going to be able to re-create it for proof nor would they probably want to. And the proof is hard to come by if the cause is in the mind because we can't take a picture inside the mind yet. It has to all be based on experience.
Accepting this is kind of like the concept of lifting weights. If I went up to a body builder and said "Hey, show me how your chest got so big." He would say " You gotta use the flat bench, and the incline bench, then the decline, and you have to go heavy with the weights, etc" " Well how do I know that will work? I want to see proof." He's probably going to say " Well my friend, you can either just do it, or you're going to be waiting around here for a looooooong time." LOL!
So some people just don't want to do the work even if it takes 5 -10 minutes a day. They'd rather go through all the misery in failing to find something to work for them instead of accepting responsibility for their problem, only to give up and finally then to MAYBE be healed once they take the problem off the pedestal (Detachment).
When I gave up trying to heal acne it was just that. It turned into another job I thought. I realized how much time I lost. When I had opportunities before me, I had to make a choice if I was going to pursue them or go back to the mirror in the bathroom and pursue my obsession.
I surrendered to my current condition which God calls perfect and even our parents would agree. No one sees us the way we see ourselves in the mirror. Its impossible. Perception is ALWAYS a two street. By not choosing to see things differently in any situation, is basically death by ego. When I gave up my obsession it felt like a battle I lost, but really I was on my way to the super bowl! (Go Bears! ) If you let up an inch you can have mountains moved, literally. I did that not knowing that the light to the tunnel was just ahead. Healing is forgiveness, healing is not having something disappear or managing something with drugs or remedies. Healing is seeing there was never anything really wrong in the first place but just an experience through misperception. And thats exactly what I was shown, in order to have my skin be healed. I had to see it had no value in oder to let go and that it had no physical affect on my life. And looking back I can see what a tremendous gift the problem was. If I never went through it I would have never evolved in the way I would have. I wouldn't know anything that I know.
So am I saying acne only causes by the mind? That only depends on your beliefs. If you think it comes from your diet than change your diet. Then if that works fantastic! Be grateful it didn't get into your soul like many others. Now if the diet doesn't work don't keep insisting that if you tried 7 more diets. Any problem or any conflict especially reoccurring, is trying to tell you something about you. It's always about you. If you want to come from a position of strength when dealing with acne or anything, then accept that it does come from you an you have the power within to change it. Why would you want someone else to have the power to fix YOUR problem?? I mean look at the president and politics? When was the last time they helped you out?? Or how often do you find someone to help you when your freaking out? Probably not too often.
One thing is for sure though...healing starts inside you. It's not rocket science...its just amazing!